Friday, September 9, 2022

13 Benefits Of Moringa Oleifera The Tree Of Life


Moringa, also called tree of life, is a medicinal plant that has a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, carotenoids, quercetin, vitamin C, among others, rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

13 Benefits Of Moringa Oleifera The Tree Of Life

As a result, this plant has been used to treat certain respiratory diseases, reduce anxiety, lose weight, and again to control the concentration of glucose in the blood in diabetics. However, there are few studies that prove all the benefits, it lacks the description of the minimum doses, as well as the details of their safety for human use.

The scientific name for moringa is Moringa Oleifera, and normally the most used part is the leaf.

Possible benefits of moringa :


According to some scientific studies moringa can be effective for:

1. Increase breathing capacity :


Some studies indicate that this plant may be able to relieve symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma, because it helps to increase hemoglobin concentrations, and in this way also increase the oxygen circulating in the body. blood.

2. Prevent Diabetes :


Moringa has antioxidant properties that can help regulate oxidative stress in the body, which lowers blood sugar levels, as well as protects cells in the body.

3. Protect the heart


As moringa is rich in fiber, it can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and also reduce the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries, and therefore lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, due to its antioxidant effect, moringa can also prevent or reduce inflammation in the body, which contributes to heart health.

4. Control blood pressure


Due to the presence of tocopherols, polyphenols and flavonoids in its composition, moringa could help control blood pressure, since these substances have a vasodilating effect, which helps blood vessels to relax and thus improve blood circulation.

5. Facilitate weight loss


Moringa is a plant rich in fiber and protein, which can increase the feeling of satiety. and therefore, reduce the amount of food and calories consumed, thus facilitating weight loss.

Moreover, some studies carried out in animax have shown that moringa can help reduce the amount of fat accumulated in the body.

6. Prevent and fight anemia


Moringa leaves have a high amount of iron (105mg for every 100g), which can promote the formation of red blood cells and thereby increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. This fact can help in the treatment of anemia, especially in anemia caused by lack of iron.

7. Increase immune defenses


In its composition, moringa has vitamin C, polyphenols and beta-carotene, substances with potential to strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's natural defenses.

8. Have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect :


Thanks to the presence of isothiocyanates, quercetin and chlorogenic acid, substances that help reduce inflammatory processes, moringa could be used to relieve symptoms of inflammatory problems, such as rheumatism or even inflammation of the prostate. .

9. Protect and moisturize the skin :


Due to the large number of vitamins B, C E and A, this plant can promote the formation of collagen, and in addition facilitate the healing of the skin and its hydration.

10. Improve the gastrointestinal system :


The consumption of moringa can prevent and facilitate the treatment of stomach ulcers, as well as fight constipation, because of the large amounts of fiber.

In addition, the vasodilator effect of moringa can help in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it stimulates blood circulation.

11. Prevent the onset of cancer :


Some studies seem to indicate that moringa has anti-cancer properties, as it seems to stimulate the destruction of cancer cells, especially in breast and bowel cancer.

12. Improve eye health :


Moringa is rich in beta-carotene, a precursor component of vitamin A, which is responsible for the synthesis of visual pigments that contribute to good eye health.

13. Decrease symptoms of menopause :


Since moringa helps control levels of inflammation and oxidative stress during this period, this herb may help maintain hormone levels during menopause, reducing the intensity of symptoms.

Properties of moringa :


Possible properties of moringa include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidiabetic, vasodilator, anticholinergic, antirheumatic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective and healing action.

However, it is important to remember that there are still ongoing studies on the properties of this plant, and also that some results seem inconclusive.


How to consume moringa :


Moringa tea is not studied enough to demonstrate its effectiveness and safety. However, experts indicate that for people already used to drinking moringa tea, the recommended amount is a maximum of 2 cups of tea, or 500ml.


In addition to tea, moringa can also be found in capsules, seeds or powder. For a more suitable treatment, it is advisable to consult a naturopath.

Adverse effects and contraindications :


There may be side effects from consuming moringa, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is recommended to avoid the consumption of the roots and its extracts, without the advice of a professional, since they contain toxic substances that when used in excessive quantities can cause paralysis, including even death.

The intake of moringa is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women because this medicinal plant can interfere in pregnancy and also in the production of breast milk. People with thyroid problems should avoid the consumption of this plant, as it seems to affect the production of thyroid hormones.


Nutritional composition :


The following table shows the nutritional composition for each 100g of fresh and dried moringa leaves :

the nutritional composition for each 100g of fresh and dried moringa leaves :