Thursday, November 23, 2017

Top 10 Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) :

Every year, many people go to see their doctor to treat urinary tract infections. Moreover, this is the second reason for medical consultation! Men may also have urinary tract infections, but it is usually women who are most affected. Every year, more than 8 million women go to the doctor to treat this infection. Even worse, 20% of these women will again suffer from this disease. The good news is that there are home remedies for treating urinary tract infection. We will present you ten in this article!

Top 12 Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) :

1. Water against urinary tract infection:

If you tend to suffer from urinary tract infections, do not forget to drink plenty of water, about 8 glasses a day. You must urinate at least every four to five hours. If you are suffering from an infection, drink water to fight it. Drink about 240 ml of water every hour, as this will help eliminate bacteria!

2. Baking soda:

Urinary tract infections that last more than two days require medical intervention. Caution, untreated urinary tract infections can infect the kidneys. They turn into a much bigger problem. To help prevent a urinary tract infection or to treat the problem as soon as it appears, we advise you to add a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Indeed, it can help you to reduce the infection. Bicarbonate neutralizes acidity in the urine and speeds recovery.

3. Coconut oil :

Due to its powerful antibacterial nature, coconut oil can effectively fight against urinary tract infections. It can even kill E. coli bacteria (a common bacterium in our intestines that can become pathogenic with urinary tract infections) even when it is resistant to antibiotics. Two tablespoons of coconut oil in the day will fight against this pathology.

4. Cranberry juice:

Several studies have shown that cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections. Apparently, the cranberry juice avoids the presence of the bacteria responsible for the infection. He also has a very mild antibiotic. Drinking about 120 ml of cranberry juice a day can help you keep a healthy bladder. But if you tend to suffer from urinary tract infections very often, or if you are in pain, try drinking at least 2 to 4 glasses of cranberry juice a day.

Bottled cranberry juice, a false solution!

Cranberry juice is now found everywhere in organic shops, supermarkets and on the internet. Unfortunately, the juice of these fruits is quite astringing and a little bitter which leads manufacturers to add sugar to make a nice drink. However, sugar promotes urinary tract infections, as we have seen above!

In addition, to see an effect, you must drink a certain amount, at least ½ liter of pure juice each day. But cranberry is a product that, because of its high content of oxalic acid, is not recommended for people predisposed to urinary stones, so be careful, it is not apple juice!
In addition, the absorption of such a large amount of cranberry juice can cause intestinal side effects (diarrhea, bloating, cramps, etc.).

5. The pineapple:

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. A study was conducted on people suffering from urinary tract infection: they received bromelain in addition to their natural antibiotics. These people have managed to get rid of their infection! Pineapple is very tasteful! And besides, as you can see, it can help you get rid of your infection.

6. Olive leaf and turmeric:

Mixing turmeric with olive leaf extract (oleuropein) will help you fight naturally against mild urinary tract infections. You will need 180 mg of oleuropein and 5 g of powdered turmeric for an adult and 40 mg of oleuropein and 2 g of powdered turmeric for a child.

7.Vitamin C :

When their patients have recurrent urinary tract infections, some doctors prescribe at least 5 grams or more of vitamin C. The latter makes it possible to keep a bladder healthy by acidifying the urine. It mainly prevents the introduction of potentially harmful bacteria.

8. Apple vinegar :

As we often say, cider vinegar, thanks to its many mineral salts, is a magic food for health.

This type of vinegar is also used to treat urinary tract infection. 200 ml of water and 20 ml of apple vinegar will be needed for this remedy. Dilute the vinegar in the water and drink the mixture throughout the day.

9. The infusion of celery:

Brew 1 tbsp. to c. of celery seeds in 50 cl of boiling water. Filter and drink 3 cups a day. You can find celery seeds in organic stores and at herbal shops.

10. The decoction of parsley:

 Parsley, which is associated with cumin, has diuretic and antibacterial properties. Brew for 3 minutes 3 sprigs of parsley and 1 tsp. to s. of cumin seeds in 1 liter of water. Filter and drink 3 to 4 cups a day.


 Remember to drink a lot of water in the day, much more than your usual if possible. Also remember to consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

She Put Her Hands In Apple Cider Vinegar Twice A Week, You Will Not Believe What Effect Is Achieved!

 The following remedy was sent by one of our regular readers who experienced pain in the hands. Seeing online she discovered a way to relieve her pain and feel much better, quite naturally. After trying different methods, she decided to turn to alternative medicine and discovered that it is much more effective for her problem. She then decided to share her experience with everyone and help someone else in a similar situation.

Home Remedies for Arthritis in Hands

Here is what she wrote about her condition: 

"A few years ago I had severe and terrible pain in the joints and arms, went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with arthritis, probably because of hard work and malnutrition. I am not a person who reaches for drugs and medications immediately, so I decided to try a natural cure instead I talked with my doctor and he told me that I should try the Apple cider vinegar I use this cider vinegar treatment for 2 months now, and I feel much better.In the first month, I used cider apple vinegar treatment three times a week and now only twice a week. I soak my hands in apple cider vinegar bath before going to sleep all the sinks, and the pain and burning sensation simply go away. I also used a natural drink made from these 3 natural and super healthy ingredients: apple cider vinegar, water and honey. I highly recommend this super healthy remedy for everyone because it is extremely effective and amazing. "We have listed below three ways you can use ACV to relieve joint pain. You can combine them and use them as you find them good. Find out which works best and stick to it. They are simple and easy to manufacture and use and yield guaranteed results.

ACV Bath : 

Mix 6 cups of water with 1 cup of cider vinegar and soak your feet and hands in the solution. If you want, you can soak a towel in the mixture and apply it as a compress on the painful areas. 

Healing ACV detox :  

ACV can be very effective if you want to perform a whole body detox and eliminate all the toxins. Mix 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar in 300 ml of water or fruit juice and mix well. Drink the mixture three times a day before meals. 

Rub the skin :
You can use ACV as a skin rub to treat painful joints locally.Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon. of olive oil and apply the mixture on aching joints. Repeat the treatment as long as you feel necessary. You will quickly notice amazing results.

Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialistThe remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.