Tuesday, December 9, 2014

17 Reasons You Should Drink A Tbsp Of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar More Often

  Apple cider vinegar is a very old remedy to rediscover and use in many occasions for its many health benefits. It is said that in the fourth century BC, Hippocrates, figure emblematic in the history of medicine, prescribed regular apple cider vinegar to his patients to cure sore throat, fatigue, arthritis, and also as a disinfectant .

In the past, ancients called "The elixir of youth" and rightly, for his daily use possible to improve health and prolong their days away the disease.

To quote an old saying: "Morning Apple keeps the doctor away."

Moreover, an American doctor, Dr. Jarvis made a study on the benefits of cider vinegar. He noticed that some of his patients were free of certain ailments. In addition, it also noted that his patients, consumers of this vinegar, had a longer than average life expectancy.

The magic ingredient for creating this vinegar is apple. This fruit is naturally rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, C and P), enzymes, essential fatty acids, minerals and trace elements. It also contains a healthy dose of pectin.

First crushed to make natural apple juice. Then after the fermentation process, the juice will become cider vinegar and finally.

Authentic cider vinegar, 100% natural, is aged in oak barrels for 10 to 12 months at a controlled temperature and is not pasteurized.

As the manufacturer of traditional and artisanal way, vinegar keeps all the wealth and qualities from her "mother" apple. Also, at the bottom of the bottle deposit of "mother of vinegar" is formed, representing a guarantee of quality and authenticity. This gelatinous deposit is edible and can be filtered if desired.

In contrast, industrial cider vinegar is produced in 48 hours and is pasteurized, that is to say that there is no presence of bacteria thus no vinegar mother. Furthermore, it may contain artificial colors and chemicals conservations.

Finally the only common with natural apple cider vinegar is the use of the same raw material: the apple. However, the industrial vinegar has lost all the qualities attached to the fruit.
How to store at home?

The 100% pure vinegar is a product that does not deteriorate over time, regardless of whether or not to set costs because of its composition, it is itself a preservative. The only recommendation is to just keep it away from light.

Rich in vitamins and minerals :

Apple cider vinegar is a mild and light vinegar. The acetic acid concentration is 5%. Like the apple, it contains more than thirty of nutrients: minerals, vitamins A (or retinol), B1 (or thiamine), B2 (or riboflavin), B3 (or vitamin PP, niacin or nicotinic acid ) and C (or ascorbic acid), essential amino acids, many enzymes and a high dose of pectin. It is particularly rich in potassium and other trace mineral elements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, silicon, boron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium .

For your health, drink Apple Cider Vinegar !

Consume apple cider vinegar every day but in moderation is not harmful to health, on the contrary .

Higher than wine vinegar for its medicinal properties, cider vinegar is considered an excellent complement for those who want to improve their health. Because of its natural acidity, it helps the body to cleanse and regenerate.

Moreover, by the various minerals and trace elements it contains, it ensures a constant mineral renewal. For example, it promotes the absorption of calcium and other essential minerals for our body. Potassium is essential for our muscles as is the calcium to our bones.
The acid in it allows our body to be more alkaline, that is to say, it gives our body a more balanced pH around 7.

Apple Cider Vinegar for a better health :
A brief overview of his actions against different types of pain:

  1. - Fights fatigue and insomnia.
  2. - Restores energy.
  3. - Aid in the treatment of arthritis .
  4. - Is good against hypertension.
  5. - Helps digestion.
  6. - Relieves sore throat and laryngitis.
  7. - Promote weight loss (combined with a good diet and exercising).
  8. - Prevents tooth decay and removes scale deposits.
  9. - Relieves dizziness.
  10. - Used against hot flashes during menopause.
  11. - Relieves symptoms of flu and asthma.
  12. - Promotes blood circulation and is a good anti-cholesterol.
  13. - Prevents problems decalcification and helps regulate calcium on bone.
  14. - Helps maintain healthy skin and reduces the signs of aging .
  15. - Can be used to treat dundroff . 
  16.  - Contains citric acid which softens and dissolves kidney stones .
  17. -Le vinaigre de cidre est riche en acide malique, ce qui aide le corps à se purifier et à éliminer l'acide urique.
Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.

To aid digestion :

Regularly consume apple cider vinegar is safe, and moderate-dose consumption does not cause heartburn or ulcers. On the contrary, being rich in enzymes, it is effective against intestinal bacteria while regulating gastric acidity. Therefore, it is an excellent product against heartburn and food poisoning.

You can use apple cider vinegar as a refreshing drink. To this, add a glass of water 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

Take 30 minutes before meals, it will boost your digestion while fighting flatulence and abdominal spasms. In addition, it stimulates the renewal of the intestinal flora and taken before bedtime prevents constipation.

Against joint disorders: arthritis and osteoarthritis :

It plays a very important role in the various joint disorders because it dissolves calcium deposits and promotes their elimination at the joints. It can help slow the progression of this disease.

At each meal and at bedtime, drink ½ cup of water added 2 tablespoons of pure cider vinegar. For faster relief, you apply warm water and salt on the painful area and rub you later with cider vinegar.

Against muscle aches, sprains, inflammation :

Take a relaxing bath in which you pour a handful of coarse salt and cider vinegar 2 large glasses. You can also apply a cloth soaked in warm water with salt and rub with cider vinegar.


  1. I believe all those great uses of the apple cider vinegar, but I just want to share these information to my own Facebook page and also to all my friends. I am looking for the (SHARE ) button so I can share it, but I can not find any. Ohh. I saw one.. I will try and use it. The f sign for Facebook.

  2. Can you take this with thyroid problems

  3. How to take this for sinusitis or sneezing?

  4. I've tried to take the right $$$$$ type of Apple cider vinegar,bcuz I have more than half the 16 reasons to add to my health plan and it really upsets my stomach and I get the WORST heartburn, a very negative experience and I've even made myself take it anyways, hoping to get past the affects as if they're a stage of some kind and the longest I lasted was 10 days of feeling really sick and horrible pains! Any suggestions, please???

    1. Did you for it in water? 2tbsp in tepid to warm water and half tsp of honey if need be. Honey soothes the tummy.

  5. One good suggestion is not to use it....why take something if it actually makes you ill

  6. One good suggestion is not to use it....why take something if it actually makes you ill
