Monday, June 30, 2014

12 Health Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

The Major 12 Benefits of Alkaline Water in Human Body :

The water ionizers separate tap water into two streams - one alkaline and one acid . Both types of ionized water with special properties that provide many health benefits that are presented below:

Alkaline ionized water is used for drinking and cooking and allows users to enjoy the following benefits:


  1. Alkalizing: restores the pH balance by reducing the acidity levels in the body.
  2. ANTIOXIDANT: helps neutralize free radicals that cause damage to cells and DNA
  3. HYPERHYDRATANTE: the smaller size of water clusters to facilitate penetration of water into the cells and improve the hydration of the body
  4. RICH IN MINERALS: contains higher concentrations of alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are vital for human health.
  5. RICH OXYGEN: Increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
  6. Detoxifying: removes accumulations of mucus on the intestinal wall, thereby improving the 
  7. body's ability to absorb essential nutrients.
  8.  CLEANING: helps eliminate acid waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body over time.
  9. ENERGIZING: electronegative hydroxyl ions help increase energy levels and mental clarity.
  10. WEIGHT CONTROL: reduces the need to store fat tissue acid wastes to protect the vital organs of excess acidification.
  11. CLEAN WATER: the filter in the ionizer removes chlorine and other common pollutants in tap water.
  12. REMOVES PESTICIDE strong alkaline water with a pH of more than 10.5 helps dissolve pesticides can be found on fruit and vegetables.
Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Natural Way to wonderful Skin - Rose Water

The Natural Way to wonderful Skin
- Rose Water - 

  • refines pores 
  • cleans your skin without destroying the acidity coat of the skin
  • acts antibacterially 
  • refreshing
  • eases skin irritations 
  • removes fat and impurenesses 
  • helps your skin to breathe 
  • makes your complexion appear younger
  • guards against symptoms of age of your skin 
  • the skin appears tighter and soft-skinned 
  • regulates pH - value of the skin 

Apply abit of the rose water  at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening after cleaning your skin and let it dry. Don't wash it off. 
You can use it at any time you want to refresh your skin. 

Before purchasing  rose water you should check the ingredients. It shouldn't contain any alcohol or artificial ingredients, they have the same effects but they aren't healthy for your skin. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Get flawless youthful Skin - Naturally

Get flawless youthful Skin 

- Naturally -

A flawless skin with fine pores is the base of a pretty face. However, many women suffer from enlarged pores, age spots, wrinkles, marks of spots, impure skin in general and maybe even acne. 

There are hundreds of cremes, which promise you to solve these problems, but sometimes they even deteriorate your situation, as they contain loads of chemicals. 

Fortunately nature provides a range of solutions as well. Natural ways are always the best, as even if they don't work for you, they won't harm you.

11 Tips for naturally beautiful skin : 

1.) Tumeric Face Mask  :


  • makes your skin look more radiant
  • brightens up your skin
  • prevents acne 
  • fights acne scars 
  • fights age spots 
  • fights sun spots 
  • reduces facial hair 
  • brightes up darkle circles under your eyes 
  • conditions your skin 

Ingredients : 

  • ~ 1 - 3 tsp. of tumeric 
  • 1 tsp. of rice flour (acts as a scrub and gives more texture) 
  • 1/2 tsp. of honey 
  • 2 tsp. of yoghurt or milk (for oily skin)  or 2 tsp. of olive oil, almond oil or avocado oil (for dry skin) 

Mix all ingredients in a bowl untill u have a fine paste and apply it with a brush on your skin. 
You aren't limited, you can apply this mask also on your neck or on your body.

If you have very problematic skin it's recommended to use this mask 3 times awake, for normal skin once per week is enough.
Y0u will notice considerable results after using it for about a month. 

NOTE: Tumeric might stain your fingernails, your clothes etc.
For those with pale skin, begin with 1 tsp. and gradually use more, because after washing it off tumeric might leave a yellowish stain on your skin. To remove this stain you can use make-up remover tissues. Don't worry if you skin stills seems abit yellowish, the staining will fade away within the next hours. 

2.) Rose Water - The Natural Face Tonic :

  • refines pores 
  • cleans your skin without destroying the acidity coat of the skin
  • acts antibacterially 
  • refreshing
  • eases skin irritations 
  • removes fat and impurenesses 
  • helps your skin to breathe 
  • makes your complexion appear younger
  • guards against symptoms of age of your skin 
  • the skin appears tighter and soft-skinned 
  • regulates pH - value of the skin 
Apply abit of the rose water  at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening after cleaning your skin and let it dry. Don't wash it off. 
You can use it at any time you want to refresh your skin. 

Before purchasing  rose water you should check the ingredients. It shouldn't contain any alcohol or artificial ingredients, they have the same effects but they aren't healthy for your skin. 
It should contain only water and the extract of the Rosa Damascena. 

3.) The regular application of  lemon juice helps to lighten age spots and sun spots considerably. 

4.) When you're applying makeup, creams etc. on your face, try not to pull your skin down. Better start at your chin and work your way up. 

5.) To moisturize the skin around your eyes you can apply petrolatum on this area. 

6.) To brighten up dark circles under your eyes and to reduce puffy eyes, you can put two teaspoons for about 10 min into the fridge and dip them after into almond oil. Then put them under your eyes untill the spoons aren't cold anymore. The cold spoons will reduce the puffiness and almond oil has a lightening effect. 

7.) Always apply sunscreen before spending time in the sun, even 10 minutes in the sun can damage your skin. 

8.) A facial steam baths with camomile, twice a week, for about 10 minutes, eases and clarifies the skin
Use a handful of camomile blossoms (or 4 tea bags) and pour cooking water over them. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes and then hold your head over it under a towel. 

9.) Drink enough water, up to 3 liters a day. 

10.) Never go to bed before removing your make-up

11.) Vitamin E and the trace element selenium prevent age spots, you can find it in high concentrated in wholemeal products and in wheat-germ oil. 

10 Tips To Lose Weight Naturally & Without Depriving Yourself !

Our pace sometimes hellish lifestyle , stress, prepared food, poor diet ... Here are all factors of weight gain. At a time when you are touting this or that miracle diet, I'll reveal 10 simple tips to apply but very effective for weight loss naturally. Of course you will not lose 10kg in 1 week but your weight loss will be regular and this without missing. 

First a reminder even if it is obvious. Avoid snacks, appetizers too frequent and have the most balanced diet. Here these 10 tips that will change your diet and strengthen your body . 


10 Tips To Lose Weight Naturally & Without Depriving Yourself ! 

1. Avoid alcohol to lose weight naturally :

This is the first thing!
Alcohol is sugar! Excessive consumption of alcohol will make you gain weight almost surely and, in addition, will harm your body. Prefer a fresh fruit juice Keep alcohol to exceptional moments of sharing with friends or family.

2. Avoid ready meals :

To lose weight naturally, avoid dishes that are often not balanced, too salty and too fatty. For the most part they give you too many calories and too much salt in the food industry "ready" promote water retention.
It is possible to cook balanced without spending hours. Prepare your meals in advance, arrange and prefer fresh fruits and vegetables in season. 

3-Do not eat in front of the TV and not too fast :

By focusing your mind on the TV instead of the food you eat you will not be satisfied with food. So you'll still be hungry and you'll want to refill. This applies even if you eat too fast, you will not have time to be satisfied. So you may eat more than necessary.

4-Drink :

Remember to hydrate yourself!
And drink without food for better digestion. Proper hydration will help eliminate waste from your body.

5-Avoid anything that is refined :

Banish refined foods!
White sugar, white flour, white salt, stabilized oils ... We refined foods because they are easier to maintain, but they  also removes all the good for our body (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fibers, proteins, ...).
Therefore prefer wholemeal bread white bread, buy gray salt, brown sugar, ... Use preferably the wind or complete T80 or T110 flour .

6-Thoroughly chew your food :

Chew is essential!
This reduces food and allows the enzymes in the saliva of the cutting molecules. But it will also help you and especially to be full faster!
Take the time to eat, chew each bite until it is almost liquid. Savor every bite. Focus on the different textures, different flavors ... We talk about eating consciousness.
Be aware of what you eat! The more you take the time to eat, the more you will be satisfied quickly. Doing so increases the quantity.

7-Limit meat : 

Reduce meat products will help you lose weight naturally!
The meat is a fatty food. Opt for vegetable protein by combining grains and legumes, consuming dried fruits,Try not to eat meat 2 times a week. Enjoy your body and your wallet too!

8-Use a smaller plate :

This trick seems ridiculous and yet it is a good way to fool our brains. This is a very well suited for people who like large quantities trick. In the latter having a small plate looks fuller ... We therefore used less food without having the impression that our plate is empty. 

9- Do not cook too big quantity :

Avoid excessive amounts of cooking because it makes you refill. Cook just the right amount so as not to be tempted.
If you cook so having several meals, immediately book the portion to be eaten later.

10-Limiting stress :

Stress is a factor in weight gain and bulimia.
It is important to reduce stress to avoid overeating. Same meals should happen in the quiet and good humor to allow proper digestion.

  For problems related to stress bulimia
You can try gemmotherapy. Hawthorn buds or fig have good results on bulimia-related stress.
You will find hawthorn buds or fig radius Gemmothérapie Around the shop Natural.

-During meals :
To reduce stress before eating, you can practice abdominal breathing before meals.
Inhale deeply through the abdomen and exhale slowly deflating belly. Then let your belly inflate and exhale ...
Practice a ten abdominal breaths before and after each meal. While you breathe, relax, smile, relax your muscles.

-Reduce stress in general :

 If you apply these rules of conduct you will lose weight naturally and permanently! In addition, you will feel better and be healthier.
Now it's up to you to lose weight! Feel free to share with us your weight loss icon smile 10 tips to lose weight naturally and effortlessly! 

I recommend you read our other articles about losing weight naturaly :  

-9 Spices,Herbs for Weight Loss : Natural Health.

- 12 Ways To Lose Weight Naturally :

10 Ways To clean Your Body From Smoking Toxins Naturally :

Smoking can cause many health problems, including heart disease and lung cancer. Quitting smoking is the first step to cleansing your body of nicotine, the addictive chemical in tobacco products. Even after quitting cigarettes, nicotine remains in the blood for 20-30 days. In addition, many people use aids nicotine quit smoking such as nicotine patches or gum. If you are concerned about the toxicity of nicotine, follow these tips to clean your body.  

10 Ways  To clean Your Body From Smoking Toxins Naturally :

Things you need :
-vitamins B, C and Herbs. 

-water E Photos (spring or steam-distilled). 

-Fruit and vegetable juices .

1-Flush the nicotine : 

built to clean nicotine from your blood, you can turn to two of the most basic needs of the body: air and water. Clearly, cigarette smoke affects the lungs, if the fresh air in the lungs will stimulate the detoxification process. The best way to do this is by simple aerobic exercise like walking. You can also add deep breathing exercises to your program.

2-Drink plenty of water:

preferably steam distilled or spring. Water naturally removes toxins from the body. At least 8-12 glasses of water are recommended for everyone every day. 

3-Fruit drinks and vegetable juices :  

Fresh citrus or apple juice are good choices, as well as blackcurrant juice. Carrot juice is recommended as a vegetable juice and beet and asparagus juice. They must be freshly prepared juice to get the best out of them.
4-Juice fasting :

Accelerate the elimination of toxins from your body through juice fasting. Consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting a fast.

5-Vitamins :

follow an anti-oxidant therapy. Smoking significantly depletes your body of vitamin C in order to replenish your body with this antioxidant for your nicotine addiction.

6-Other vitamins that can help :

 are vitamin B complex with more B-12, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the liver. The liver is important for detoxification processes.Also, vitamin-E helps protect your cells and organs from damage caused by smoking and nicotine toxicity.

Coenzyme Q - 10 is another antioxidant needed to protect cells and lungs. It also protects damaged by smoking and nicotine in the blood cardiac tissue.
8-Herbs :

Take herbs like catnip, lobelia or valerian root. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical with dependence than cocaine or heroin. When your body does not get this toxic chemical, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, nervousness and tremors, and cravings.

Herbs can calm you down and help reduce these symptoms. They can be taken as a tea, which is also relaxing, or supplement.
9-Ginger : 

Ginger can help the body to sweat, which in turn clean the toxins from the body. Other foods that work similarly are garlic and cayenne pepper.
10-Grap Seed :

Take grape seed extract, which is also a powerful antioxidant.

Friday, June 27, 2014

13 Benefits Of Fasting That Will Surprise You

Nowadays more and more people are looking for  physical and mental wellness, and fasting is fully in this process. Indeed fasting brings a deep body detoxification, renewed vitality and a clearer vision of  life.

-What is fasting

You know it's abstinence from food for a relatively long time, when it happens it is already 24 hours fasting; before talking about skipping a meal or two, it is not really fast. The maximum duration of fasting is not fixed as we speak historically often fasting 40 days.
Wonder on our pace of life is to eat during the day and night fasting. When we eat late night appetite at breakfast is not the appointment is a sign that the night fasting has not ended (or hungry!) And can continue. In English the word "breakfast" means as the French word "lunch" break the fast
Each night sleeping cares for herself calm, warm and confident; these are the ingredients necessary for the success of any fasting.

So fasting is to refrain from eating, drinking and sometimes even when it comes to dry fast, and of course there it does not last 40 days. It is therefore an important method of purification, a process by which a little mysterious to some, will allow the body to mobilize new energies to rebuild tissue, eliminate overloads and govern this phenomenon, which is dear to us in naturopathy is self-healing, somehow stimulate this cellular intelligence, biological intelligence, which will better manage our health, much better than does our reason, our intellect.

-Origin of fasting :

We know that fasting in history has been practiced from East to West in all major traditional societies, and it is regularly associated with rites, because there is a magic of fasting as there is a magic purification: fasting preceding inductions, adoubements of chivalry, Tibetan initiations, Indian, Egyptian, of course, Celtic, Mayan, there are obvious traces Bible and also in Indian thought ... so the story does not lack testimonials.

The history of Hounzas people, among others cited by the Doctor and Dr. Kousmine Lützner is exemplary. The people of the high valleys of the central Himalayas living virtually isolated from the rest of the world does not always have enough to feed its people throughout the year, until the barley is ripe, he fasted for weeks while working its annelles spots, in joy and without the need superficial. He knew neither the disease nor the police and the daily life of Hounzas obeyed only natural principles. Today the valley has become available, the Hounzas import refined products (flour, canned goods, sugar) and disease characteristics of the civilized world have made their appearance, and the need for police

-Why fast? :

Because of the abundance of food, often too rich and lack of daily exercise, our body stores excess calories that can not burn. Because of this contamination it becomes impossible for him to regenerate its cells efficiently, and eliminate stored toxins from pollution, food additives, stress ...
All this weighs on us, makes us more easily sick, tired as vitality. So it makes sense to voluntarily reintroduce a time of scarcity, which allows the body to burn fat reserves, renew cells and eliminate toxins. In order, the body eliminates anything that weighs him and what he does not need, and what bothers and finally everything that makes him sick

This is a facelift for our whole body.


Remember that sick children spontaneously fast, leaving their bodies to self-restore (the word restoration does not mean only power). Similarly in animals fasting is a method of survival programmed by nature and lets you skip periods without food. Include migratory birds that make their long term fasting and drawing on their reserves of fat accumulated during the summer. Ibex, chamois, deer and have to fight against the snow and cold, will also perform the rut and deploy more power during this period of fasting.
Fasting is not synonymous with fatigue in animals, on the contrary. 

-4 rules of fasting according to Dr. Lützner :

- Refrain from eating but drinking a lot (water, herbal teas, vegetable broths, diluted fruit juice). 
- Remove everything that is not essential and we night: alcohol, tobacco, sweets, ...
- Freedom from daily life: work, telephone, news, worries, to go to the meeting itself.

- Behave naturally and do what is good for our body: rest, oxygenation, movement, reading, music ...

-Different forms of fasting :

Fasting most commonly practiced and the easiest is the water fast that boils down to drink without any solid food

Depending on its duration is short talk or dietary fasting if less than 7 days, average fasting between 1 and 2 weeks long or therapeutic fasting from 3 weeks, but it is done in clinic as in Germany for example. The German numbers having already practiced fasting, whereas it amounts to a few hundred at most in France is estimated at 2 million.

The water fasting Buchinger is on a week taking the morning tea, fruit juice cut with water during the day and in the evening a clear broth

Dry fasting meanwhile admits no drink and can not be more than 2 or 3 days. It produces a deep cleaning of cells and can be practiced at the end of a water fast

Somewhat in the same spirit of detoxification of the body include the monodiètes season, as the grape cure fall that combines pleasure and purification. Great fall cleaning, it appeals to all the organs of elimination: the skin, kidneys, liver, and intestines. It is also rejuvenating

-The benefits of fasting :

  1. - Weight loss: even if the effects of a week of fasting go well beyond a simple diet, weight loss is associated with real, ranging from 5 to 10% by weight based on the weight of departure for more men and less for women. Note that a person without overweight lose the bare minimum it will resume elsewhere at the end of fasting.
  2. - Thorough cleaning: To remove excess fat due to overeating, toxins caused by stress and various pollutions.
  3. - Regeneration: digestive unused energy is redirected toward healing and scarring .
  4. - An increase in immune cells by activating the body's defense .
  5. - A deconditioning towards artificial stimulants and certain medications .
  6. - A new skin cleaning the inside of our body fasting can regain a more youthful skin and more flexible .
  7. - A prevention against many diseases and disorders of premature aging or menopause
  8. - Stimulation of all the senses .
  9. - A correction of hypertension and cholesterol after a week of fasting
  10. - A renewed vitality at the end of fasting, what the athletes preparing for competitions (Y. Noah C. Chabaud ...) .
  11. - A clearer vision of who we are and what we want, fasting will help us refocus, to go to the essentials.
  12. - A face to let go of life stress.
  13. - A turning point that helps make decisions in key moments of our lives.

-Cons-indications fasting 5 days :

Some people too weak could not enjoy the benefits of fasting as their life force is insufficient, eg in the case of insulin-dependent diabetes, depleted patients, devitalized, patients under heavy chemical medications (as the effect of drugs is multiplied and toxicity becomes uncontrollable) and pregnancy.

-Fasting alone or in groups :

It is possible to make a fast one, following for example the advice of Dr. Lützner in his book "How to revive fasting" and on condition of not being depressed, or helpless due to illness, or too tense and stressed or under heavy medication. This requires the will and courage but it is possible. Do not hesitate to get support from people who have fasted. You can fast wherever you feel comfortable, quiet, in a serene location, without constraint, away from the stress, noise ... Indeed this emptiness inside of fasting will be filled by the surrounding beauty through the 5 senses be awakened
Do not forget that a fasting person is more sensitive to external disturbances and stress.

However group things are easier because each fasting is supported by others, and impressions, feelings, doubts and joys are shared. For the first several days of fasting is recommended to do outside their normal environment with someone experienced
It is usually the 2nd or 3rd day you feel some fatigue due to the exhaustion of available glucose in the blood, then the body begins the conversion of fat into sugar. Nobody comes by chance fasting, and groups are not formed either by chance, as much serenity, deep exchanges emerge during fasting group.

The two largest are specialists fasting Shelton United States and Switzerland Bertholet and Désiré Mérien and Pierre-Valentin Marchesseau in France, all those who lived and spoke of fasting, also speak of the importance of the atmosphere .

They talk about the importance of climate as it is always more favorable to fast in a warm, mild climate, temperate, accompany fasting positive reading, relaxation, gentle exercise, contact with nature, Bath or massages.

-The inlet and outlet of the fast :

It is important to reduce its power before fasting to prepare the body gradually
Five days before the fast, it is advisable to avoid tobacco, alcohol and stimulants
3 days before fasting, avoid or reduce meat, fish, eggs and dairy products (animal protein) and the day before fasting is better to eat fruit or vegetables and drink plenty of water will

Similarly at the end of a fast food recovery should be gradual over a equivalent to fasting period itself. So for a fast one week, we will monitor the supply next week emphasizing cooked and raw vegetables, fresh or dried fruit dipped between meals, oilseeds, sprouted seeds and whole grains, washed good bio oil first cold pressed olive kind more or soy nuts. Should be avoided during this recovery refined products and exciting, as well as fermented foods (bread and cheese), and animal proteins.


-The bowel during fasting :

You're looking at the naturopath Daniel Kieffer both necessary precautions and the short or medium fast preparations.
The first is to clear the digestive tract of all that can ferment, putrefy, stagnate, because obviously the intestinal and digestive transit in general will be very slow during fasting, and if you keep your body in 2, 3 or 4 previous meal and that you fast for 15 days, you can imagine the state of feces.
So we use a slight purging the night before the first day of fasting, which can be done simply with magnesium chloride, or one or two tablespoons of castor oil, or a few pellets purchased in dietary plants; the goal is not to give a diarrhea because it is tiring and debilitating, but cause within 6 hours stools that will empty the bowel.

Then the intestine has been emptied, it will have the scan because it is not enough to clear the furniture must remove dust, and the simpler it is a vegetable soup or boiled chard with cellulose, endive, leeks, fennel, celery, green beans, salad cooked, well cooked with spices that we eat as a soup and will be the last meal before entering the fast fibers. In this way we are sure that there will be no bound to putrefaction and against the fiber element, celluloses will clean, gently brush the intestine.

During fasting it can be very beneficial to make an enema with a chaise or a more sophisticated pocket or colonic irrigation is performed with specialized equipment. The effects of cleaning are amplified by fasting and an empty food intestine.

In the case of a weekly fast just take the evening soup greens and possibly a rectal shower, but it is not useful to get an arsenal of purgation or enema for a fasting day .

-And hunger :

It usually disappears at the beginning of the third day, when the body gets used to feed its reserves and expected more external power supply. This is a deprogramming habits meal which then operates.
The following days we feel very well, lighter. Fasting is not hungry and all the trainees noted with surprise.

-And healing crises :

These are all manifestations of the body that reflect the elimination include, for example, bad breath, rash buttons, urine and language loaded. They are not dangerous and can be modulated

-And after fasting? : 

A week of fasting is often an opportunity for awareness of our relationship with food and our bodies. The advice of a naturopath then make sense and allow calmly consider food resumption and continuation of a healthy lifestyle.