Saturday, January 28, 2017

9 of Nature's Best Natural Pain Killers | The World's Healthiest Foods :

The goal of pain killers is to calm or eliminate pain , pain in any part of the body, but it is very often the head, and also the muscles or joints. There are different types of pain killers that can be purchased in pharmacies. However, for those who prefer natural alternatives, this article will greatly help you. Indeed, we will give you here the 9 best natural pain killers !

9 of Nature's Best Natural Pain Killers

1- Olive oil :

This oil contains a natural substance that acts exactly like ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Research has proven that olive oil is comparable to these pharmaceuticals, and it can reduce pain. The good news is that it is a natural remedy and, in addition, there are fewer health risks, such as the formation of blood clots, Alzheimer's or even cancer (for those who constantly consume this type of chemical drugs).

2- Turmeric :

This spice contains curcumin: it is a powerful
pain killer that helps block pain in the body. Curcumin also helps fight inflammation. Turmeric can therefore be used in place of certain drugs, and in addition, it is without side effects! Several studies have shown that turmeric can help stop the pains of rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, it cancels the sending of neurotransmitters in the brain.

The recommended dose of turmeric is about 600 mg. It must be taken three times a day, for it is thus that the best benefits will be noted .

Read more : Turmeric Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings

3- Blueberries:

Many properties are attributed to this delicious fruit. The blueberries are an ideal anti-inflammatory, They have many antioxidants: these eliminate the free radicals responsible for the inflammation of the digestive mucosal tissues . One can avoid the problems related to this inflammation such as ulcers, urinary infections or bad digestions, to cite only these examples.

Research claims that consuming one cup of blueberries a day can prevent almost 60% of urinary system infections, for example. In addition, it is excellent for cleaning blood and reducing water retention. This also helps patients with diabetes to reduce sugar.

4- Garlic :

Garlic offers a thousand and one properties, and among them. We find some that are being a natural pain killer . It is used to relieve joint pain, especially from arthritis. To enjoy its benefits, take a clove of garlic, toss it and then heat with a tablespoon of oil. Apply this mixture to the area that hurts you and let it act until it does. You will immediately notice that the discomfort or pain will calm down.

You can use garlic to treat the pains of your molars. To do this, you must crush three garlic cloves and mix them with a little salt. Then apply this remedy on the tooth that herts you, and let act for a few minutes. Saliva will occur, garlic will spread juices on its side, and your dental pain will finally disappear

Read more : Garlic Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings .  

5 - Cider vinegar :

This is one of our favorit seasonings that exist for salads, but you can also use it as a natural pain killer  analgesic. The cider vinegar is excellent! In fact, it has alkalizing effects that run throughout the body. This will suit you perfectly for the busy life you lead. Cider vinegar relieves acidity and inflammation on the upper part of the stomach.

You can enjoy its benefits by mixing a spoonful of cider vinegar with a cup of water. Drink this mixture when you feel a gastric reflux, and you will get great results !

 Read more : Apple Cider vinegar  Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings .

6 Chamomile tea :

Chamomile tea is ideal for muscles inflammation . In addition, it also helps to calm the nerves. Chamomile contains a large amount of properties for your body. It will help you relieve back pain, as well as neck or belly pain.

To do this, consume up to three cups of chamomile infusion throughout the day and overnight. You will see, your muscles and joints will do you much less harm!

7 - Ginger : 

Ginger root has been used since antiquity in treating problems like arthritis, thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints.

Ginger, whether consumed in tea or in other ways , has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, capable of fighting many pains.

Read more : Ginger  Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings . 

8- Cloves : 

This popular spice used all over the world is an excellent natural pain killer that can relieve severe headaches and teeth pain .

This virtue is attributed to its significant contents of eugenol, an active clove compound, which has key anesthetic and antibacterial properties to reduce pain and other associated problems.

9 - Pineapple :

Another natural analgesic you may also need is pineapple.

This delicious and healthy fruit has an enzyme called bromelain, which is responsible for reducing the pain, inflammation and blues that form in the body as a result of surgery, excessive physical effort, Or blows, among others.

Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

How to Get Rid of Dandruff : 8 Natural Treatments

One in two people is affected during the course of their lives by dandruff.

Dandruff is due to proliferation of scalp cells. They are also the sign of a bacterial inflammation of this scalp ,normally  the cells renew themselves every 21 days and it is when their cycle becomes shorter from 7 to 10 days that they are are seen to appear.

When the microscopic fungus called pityriasis (present on all heads) begins to proliferate, it produces acids irritating the scalp and further accelerating the formation of dandruff.
The pityriasis appreciates the greasy scalps but also likes to evolve on a dry scalp, thus making the hair even drier ...

How to Get Rid of Dandruff : 8 Natural Treatments

  • There are 2 kinds of dandruff :

- The dry
Dandruff which are the most common :  they fall on the shoulders
In rain and are very visible.

- The oily
Dandruff that are less visible :  they do not fall and remain stuck, favoring the formation of bacteria. Often they are irritating and itchy.

 So hers 8 natural recipes to get rid of dandruff :
  • For all hair types :

1- Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar on the scalp, making it penetrate well. Leave for 30 to 60 minutes, then wash your hair , Repeat this until your dandruff disappears. apple cider vinegar 's acidity helps balance the pH of your scalp, which helps keeps dandruff at bay.

2- Mix 2 tablespoons of gray salt or fine salt with half a glass of water then apply directly on the wet scalp. Massage well for 3 to 5 minutes and then rinse.

3- 1 to 2 times a week, use a natural soft shampoo to which are added a few drops of essential oils. 15 drops of essential oil from the following plant (s): cinnamon, orange, , tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, grapefruit seed.
  • For dry hair :

4- Beat 1 to 3 egg yolks with a glass of warm water.

 Massage the scalp and keep the mask for 5 to 10 minutes, keeping the head wrapped with a towel.than rinse, use water with diluted vinegar .

5- Apply a mixture of wheat germ oil (or olive oil) and tea-tree essential oil. Make the preparation penetrate into the scalp. Keep the mask under a warm towel for 30 to 60 minutes. Then wash your  hair .
  • For oily hair :

6- Rinse the hair after shampooing, with an infusion of rosemary or thyme.

7- Make a mask of clay by insisting on the scalp. Wrap the hair with a towel and keep the preparation half an hour. Then make a shampoo.

8 - Add 7 drops of lemon essential oil or oil juice to a natural yoghurt or to water. Apply the concocted care before your shampoo, massage for about ten minutes. Rinse, taking care not to put yourself in the eyes and finish with your classic shampoo. Repeat this until your dandruff disappears. Lemon's acidity helps balance the pH of your scalp, which helps keeps dandruff at bay.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Rosemary Baths: Why You Need to Start Taking Them More Often ?

What's more enjoyable than taking a hot bath ... 🙂 

This Bath Pulls Toxins Out of The Body, cleanse lungs , And Reduces Inflammation And Improves Blood Flow

Personally, I'm more used to shower to save time but still have to admit that a good hot bath from time to time is really fun.

I do not know about you but I in any case I adore! 🙂

Here is a simple tip that allows you to enjoy this fun time and to clean your lungs from tobacco.

You can add rosemary in your bath to Clean your lungs ,
Pull Toxins Out of The Body,   And Reduces Inflammation 
, Improves Blood Flow , Get rid of Dandruff and Prevent hair loss And More  .

 But how does it work?

No, do not throw branches of rosemary directly in his bath ...
It would be a bit odd anyway.

To prepare a good detoxifying bath with rosemary it is necessary to infuse a ten branches of rosemary in 2 liters of boiling water.

Soak the branches for 10 minutes, remove them, then simply pour your infusion into your bath.

Rosemary has exciting medicinal properties.

This Bath Pulls Toxins Out of The Body, cleanse lungs , And Reduces Inflammation And Improves Blood Flow

It also helps to open the pores of your skin and eliminate all the toxins in depth.

If your bath is hot you will breathe the vapor of rosemary.

In addition to having a pleasant fragrance that will eventually de-stress you in your bath, they have a very curative effect  Pulls Toxins Out of The Body, Cleanse lungs , And Reduces Inflammation , Improves Blood Flow , Get rid of Dandruff and Prevent hair loss And More  .

This type of bath is very effective in purifying lungs of smokers.