Thursday, November 14, 2019

Top 6 home remedies to cleanse your kidneys and liver

Cleansing our kidneys and liver is not a gesture we have to do once in a while. It is a daily habit to enjoy better health and a healthy and fit body. Keep in mind that the main function of our kidneys is to clean the blood by eliminating the waste produced by the body. What happens when this function does not work properly, when toxins or proteins accumulate?

When there is an excess of unfiltered toxic elements in our blood, we become sick. We risk suffering from colic, kidney stones ,liver enlargment or many other diseases. As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure", so we recommend that you take the following tips:

Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally With These 7 Home Remedies

Drink plenty of fluids, as well as dairy products. Reduce your consumption of processed foods. Replace animal protein with vegetable protein. Eliminate salt from your diet, as well as sugar, and alcohol.

It is important to relieve the 5 emunctories of our body regularly: kidneys, liver, intestines, skin, lungs. For the kidney, do one day a week a day without animal protein, or one week per trimester. Drink plenty of water, 1 L and a half a day, the purest possible spring water (dry extract at 180 ° as low as possible, around 20, it is indicated on all labels). Make herbal teas such as goldenrod, bearberry, nettle which are diuretic. Do twice a month a sauna, which relieves the kidney since the toxins managed by the kidney are invited out through the skin. No smoking.

 All this obviously requires effort, but you will feel much better, and your body will thank you.

Natural aids to detoxify the kidneys :

There are a number of natural aids to detoxify and drain the kidneys. Of course we want to talk about plants known for their protective and regulating effects on the kidneys and the urinary system, among which you can find:

1- parsley and lemon to clean the kidneys and liver :

How do parsley and lemon help us to purify our kidneys and liver?

. Parsley :

It is a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates kidney cells, facilitating their function.It is rich in minerals that help keep the kidneys healthy, and eliminate toxins and fats found in these important organs.

It contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll and vitamin C which are excellent for preventing infections, tumors, and strengthening the immune system. It is an excellent diuretic that helps to eliminate liquids in a natural way. hypertension which helps keep the kidneys healthy.

. Lemon :

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P. These two elements help to strengthen and take care of the blood vessels of the kidneys, treat hypertension that seriously affects their functioning, and detoxify them. Its properties are fantastic. Lemon is low in sodium, and very rich in potassium which is ideal for our kidneys. Most doctors recommend replacing salt with lemon juice, a healthy and easy trick!

How to enjoy the benefits of lemon and parsley?

Nothing easier ! In this article, we will explain how to prepare a simple and effective remedy based on parsley and lemon that will help you feel better. The ideal would be to drink this infusion twice a week.

How to prepare it?

You will need five sprigs of parsley. Clean them well, then place them in a saucepan with a quart of water. Bring the water to a boil so that the parsley leaves its essential properties in the water.

This remedy is a classic that you have probably heard about. Natural medicine is sometimes very effective, so do not miss out on these therapeutic plants. Alright, now that the parsley infusion is boiling, filter it, then add the juice of a lemon. Nothing is easier, is it?

How to drink this infusion? One liter represents four glasses. Drink one in the morning on an empty stomach. The second, the afternoon, the third in the middle of the afternoon, and the last after your dinner. This remedy will help your digestion, and depurate your kidneys.

Prepare it once or twice a week. You may find that this remedy has a very strong taste, but remember that it has a large amount of vitamins that will give you energy. Moreover, it is excellent for people who suffer from anemia. Why not start today? Your kidneys will thank you!

2- Nettle: 

Famous for its urticating ability, nettle is also known as velvety or salad. This is a first way to take advantage of its diuretic, and therefore draining virtues for the kidneys. Another way to benefit from the benefits of nettle is to take it as a mother tincture made directly from Fresh Plant Extract.

3- Dandelion: 

Despite its reputation as a weed, dandelion is a true natural treasure for the kidneys , bladder and liver . It also has very interesting diuretic abilities that allow to unclog the kidneys in a natural way. We recommend that you use its Fresh Plant Extract to get the most out of its active ingredients.


Allied to the kidneys and bladder, Goldenrod helps preserve urinary function and support the elimination of toxins in the body. Its antioxidant capabilities also make it a protective kidney. His fresh extract is here also recommended for more effect.

Goldenrod has also been used to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, enlargement of the liver, gout, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, asthma, and arthritis ".

it's generally advised to drink plenty of water when taking the herb. 


A true detox plant, the artichoke helps relieve the emunctories that are the liver and kidneys to cleanse the body thoroughly. Its fresh plant extract is also a great help to aid digestion. In short, a real combo winner!

6- Bearberry: 

Protecting the lower urinary tract, the bearberry helps protect the kidneys and bladder against urinary tract infections and help them function properly, especially when combined with Echinacea purpurea.

These tips should help you drain, detoxify and purify your kidneys, all for better health in general! You now know what you have to do.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water.

We're always looking for tricks or "grandmother stuff" to improve our health naturally, and the tip we often hear about is the famous lemon water. 
So what are the virtues of lemon? Is lemon water really a miracle cure? In this article, I answer all your questions!


Discovering the virtues of lemon and lemon water :

With 34.3 calories per 100 grams of fresh pulp, lemon is a low-calorie food that still has a high nutritional value.

It is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and copper. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C. The reason? The very thick bark of the fruit which protects it against the loss of this vitamin, considered as one of the most fragile, after its picking.

Precious slimming and detox asset, it is also a health food par excellence because of its richness in various antioxidants, which fight against the free radicals which can damage the cells!

The 9 benefits of lemon water:

# 1 Hydrates our body:

We all know how important it is to hydrate. And precisely, the lemon has important moisturizing virtues since it contains 80% water! In addition, for those who find the water sad and boring, the lemon gives you the opportunity to give a little more flavor and originality to what you drink!

# 2 Promotes digestion:

Lemon water, consumed on an empty stomach, would improve transit: indeed, as our expert doctor Alain Tuan Qui explains, drinking lemon water would help to "take off" the waste left on the ground. digestive mucosa - thus cleaning our digestive system and thus improve our digestion.

# 3 Stimulates the immune system:

Lemon is one of the richest foods in vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to fight against temporary or chronic fatigue and to stimulate the immune system. Lemon water is therefore an excellent drink to drink in case of fatigue or in case of a fall in immune defenses (whether summer or winter!).

# 4 Detoxifies the body:

Lemon has detoxifying properties because it cleanses the digestive system as we saw in point number 2. It is also a mild and natural diuretic: it stimulates the activity of the kidneys helping to eliminate toxins from the skin. our body.

# 5 Balance the pH of the body:

With its acidic taste, one tends to think that the lemon would be acidifying. But he is not! Lemon, by its capacity in citric acid, combines in the body with the minerals and releases alkaline residues which have an anti-acidifying action.

# 6 Cleans the skin:

Thanks to these detoxifying and diuretic properties, lukewarm water with lemon helps to keep skin healthy and luminous. Indeed, its alkaline nature destroys some of the bacteria that cause acne and other skin problems.

Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in lemons also help to reduce wrinkles and stains, and fight free radicals - responsible for accelerated aging of the skin.

# 7 A natural appetite suppressant:

Lemon is an appetite suppressant because it contains pectin, a fiber that swells on contact with water in the stomach, the lemon sends a message of satiety thus preventing small as well as big hunger!

And against compulsive hunger, breathe lemon essential oil.

# 8 A slimming ally?

With only 34.3 calories per 100 grams of pulp, lemon water is a healthy alternative to industrial fruit juices or sodas, high in sugars and calories. In addition, its high content of vitamin C boosts your body allowing us to burn more calories.

Thus, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning would help you lose weight. As Alain Tuan Qui, physician in holistic health, explains, "lemon water helps to lose weight because by improving our transit and making our liver work better, our body is optimized for the combustion of fatty acids".

# 9 Good for the liver!

Lemon stimulates the production of bile and evacuates the bad toxins present in the liver. Nothing better than a lemon peel after a well-watered evening or to get back on your feet in case of fatigue!

# 10 Against cancer!

Rich in antioxidants, lemon would prevent or even slow the progression of certain cancers. It would notably decrease the growth of metastases.

Hot water or cold water?

The temperature of the water used for lemon water is very important for the quality of the drink. Thus, the water should be neither too cold nor too hot:

    In fact, too hot water would lead to significant losses of vitamin C (it is very fragile and tends to be destroyed with heat).
    As for the cold water, it would prevent our body from tolerating the drink - which would neutralize all the expected benefits! Thus, according to Alain Tuan Qui, physician in holistic health, the ideal temperature of lemon water is that of our body, namely 37 °.

My advice: The ideal for optimal lemon water seems to be the use of water at room temperature, possibly lukewarm.

In which cases is lemon juice not recommended?

Lemon juice is not recommended, especially on an empty stomach, in case of ulcer, gastritis or reflux-oesophageal because of its natural acidity. It is also not recommended for "neuro-arthritic" people who may instead acidify with lemon.

Also remember that the acidity of lemon can weaken dental email. If you have fragile email, I recommend drinking lemon water with straw, for example, and especially never to brush your teeth right after drinking lemon.

Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.

Read More :

Monday, November 4, 2019

Top 6 Home Remedies To Reduce Belly Fat

Burning 500-600 regular calories and getting proper food will lower your belly fat, you figured out that But who really wants to get leg lift and those crunches or visit the gym! You can not lose your belly fat and yet you do not have to work like an anger or have done that too. Thats why you are here, looking for some simple, easy home treatments that will reduce belly fat all around your waistline! If so, you will not be disappointed after reading these natural treatments to reduce belly fat. Yet understanding is not all, they must be carefully followed by you, whatever drill they might get. In addition, you must maneuver your system even if not to do aerobics or something intense or heavy fitness center exercises like this. Walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, badminton or just taking the stairs instead of elevator can keep the body going. Give yourself something that interests years. Just keep on Dont sitting all day. And follow these simple home remedies that are superb to lose your belly fat!

Top 6 Home Remedies To Reduce Belly Fat

1- Lemon juice to reduce belly fat :

Yes, you must start with lemon juice. Lemon detoxifies your body from toxins as well as fat. Mixed with water that is hot, it works best by helping it to melt that fat around your abdomen and strengthening your liver.

2- Cucumber helps reduce stomach fat :

Cucumber is a summer food that is fine, but what is interesting is that it is also a great fat burning food! Elizabeth Somer is a dietitian as well as in her novel "Nutrients for Girls," she has the means to lose weight and make sure it remains said cucumbers have an abundant content of two minerals that are trace traces - silicon and sulfur. These trace elements could be the reason for cucumbers to burn fat. Cucumbers can also be full of water content and therefore become diuretics preventing the abdomen from swelling. Bloating can give the impression of an abdomen of fat. When you add cucumbers it becomes a super that lemons excellently promote metabolism as well as their high acid content helps to break down fat to burn fat. Did this really low calorie food called cucumber largely all day. Yes, Theres cucumbers just about 45 calories in a whole cucumber and represent about 96% water.

3- Apple Cider Vinegar for Loss of Abdominal Fat :

Apple cider vinegar, using its acetic acid, helps eliminate belly fat. Acid normally ensures better protein digestion which can in turn be crucial for the development hormones of our body. Growth hormone is among the most effective mediums that can break down your fat cells. This keeps your metabolism working when you are at rest or sleeping. ACV allows you to use the energy by allowing the use of iron inside of you. Energy consumption is equivalent to burning fat.

4-  Green Tea to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Green tea increases metabolism. Besides the exciting oxidation of fat in addition, it generate heat in your body. Green tea compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) helps to stimulate fat burning. The truth is, there is a call to find out about green tea mentioned in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry which says that green tea works at the genetic level! It seems to activate the genes that allow you to lose weight but additionally prevents the formation of new fat cells.

5 - Aloevera juice to lose fat belly

Aloe vera is a miracle plant that has many health benefits. Among its own benefit is the fact that this reduces your fat from the abdomen. This is a natural antioxidant that is great. Your metabolism increases so as to reduce body fat, helping you. In addition, it detoxifies your system by reducing weight and so cleansing your digestive system. But because aloe vera have mild laxative effects, you need to limit the amount you take. Combining aloe vera juice with some other herbs provides you with an excellent recipe for losing fat from the abdomen!

6- Cinnamon to lose fat belly :

Cinnamon is an excellent spice that balances your insulin that leads to fat loss. The thermogenic properties of cinnamon boosts your metabolism and can therefore allow you to burn fat without exercise that is excessive. Cinnamon prevent the disorders you can get because of your own obesity, diabetes and can also lower cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, you must possess your daily dose of cinnamon to improve your metabolism.

Add 1 teaspoon. For any drink, tea or coffee powder cinnamon you have during the day.

 Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.