Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cosmetic Uses of Coconut Oil | The natural Way to enhance your Beauty :

You can also use Coconut Oil...
1.) a massage oil. You can add flavor and use as a sensual massage oil homemade coconut oil with a few drops of essential oil such as lavender or rose.

2.) tame hair flying. Rub a pea-sized piece of coconut oil between your hands and smear it on your hair to tame annoying flying hair.

3.) make scars less noticeable. Rub a generous amount of coconut oil on your skin. Repeat this twice a day. By the time you see how reduced the scar and blends with your skin.

4.) ... to treat eczema. Rubbing coconut oil on dry, inflamed skin to relieve the itching and to supply the body with moisture.

5.) make the hair silky. Give a little coconut oil in a bowl. Heat it until it is warm, then it allow to cool.
  • Take a small amount in your hand. 
  • Wear it on the scalp. Rub it on and smear it through your hair. 
  • Do this at night, and wash your hair in the morning. Your hair is silky and strong. 

  • If you color your hair at home, then you coconut oil can to use the damage to the hair by aggressive coloring to reduce. Give Just before coloring a few drops of oil in the colorant. 
  • A small amount of coconut oil is sufficient. Be careful not to use too much. 
  • Leave the oil is not more than a day in hair, wash without it. Otherwise, the hair starts to smell bad and is greasy. 
  • Coconut oil makes hair healthier and helps it to grow better if you use it often. 
  • Add Alma / Indian Honeysuckle powder added to keep the melanin in the hair roots. It is intended to prevent gray hair. 
  • Coconut oil prevents 90% of the infestation with cooties when it is applied to the scalp.
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Cosmetic Uses of Coconut Oil for your body | The natural Way to enhance your Beauty :

...for your body (Moisturizer):

Coconut Oil doesn't act deeply moisturizing only for your face, but for your entire body.  

    1.) Apply a small amount of coconut oil on after bathing or showering to your body. Smaller amounts of coconut oil can be better absorbed by the skin when the skin is still warm.

    2.) Use a tablespoon of coconut oil to moisturize your arms. Put a tablespoon of oil on your arm. Rub it with the other hand until the coconut oil is melted on your skin. Spread it evenly and rub until it's gone. Repeating with the other arm.

    3.) Use it as a moisturizer for your legs. Spread two tablespoons of thigh, knee, lower leg and foot. Grater, until the oil is absorbed into the skin. Repeat with the other leg.

    4.) Use another tablespoon for the upper body. Rub it on the back, buttocks, stomach, chest and anywhere else where moisture is needed. You can use as a normal lotion coconut oil.

    5.) Let the coconut oil feeding. It may take 15 minutes, until the oil is completely absorbed by the skin. Stay in the meantime, in the bathroom or put on a bathrobe, so that the oil does not get onto your beautiful furniture or clothing.

    You might also be interested in : 
    100% natural moisture treatment for your face
    Get shiny and healthy hair with coconut oil
    Further natural cosmetic uses of coconut oil

    Natural Moisture Treatment for your Face - Coconut Oil

    ...for your face (Moisture Treatment):

    Coconut Oil will moisturize your skin deeply. And it's all natural and healthy. 

    1.) Clean your face as usual. Whether you splash water on your face you something, peelst with a brush or cleanse with oil, you should wash your face before anyway. Dab it with a soft towel and prefer not present on the skin - facial skin is sensitive, and pull and tug much they can damage.

    2.) Rub some coconut oil to your eyes. Coconut oil is a wonderful cream for upper eyelid and the area under the eyes. It gives these paper-thin skin moisture, improves dark circles and wrinkles. Rub a very small amount around your eyes around, concentrate on areas with wrinkles.

    • You probably only need a pea-sized amount for each eye. Do not use too much. 
    • Avoid to put coconut oil in your eyes. Otherwise, it covers your eye, and obscures your view!
    3.) Apply the coconut oil sparingly on to other places. If you have a dry spot between the eyebrows, on the temples or any other place, carry a small amount of coconut oil on there. Rub it with a gentle, circular movements.

    4.) Rub coconut oil on your lips. Unrefined coconut oil makes the lips soft and moisturizes. It is perfectly edible, so it's not bad if you swallow a little of it. Coconut oil is actually very healthy.

    5.) Rub the coconut oil not on your whole face. In no points, it is useful, but if you rub it on your whole skin, it can clog the pores and lead to breakouts. This is a powerful oil that you should only use in small amounts in places that need it. 
    • When you cleanse with oil, don't use coconut. It can clog the pores. It is better to take a mixture of canola oil and argan oil or other light oil to clean your face.
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    Nourish, Moisturize, Repair and Soften You Hair With Olive Oil | Recipes Tutorial .

    Nourish, Moisturize, Repair and Soften You Hair With Coconut Oil

    Nourish, Moisturize, Repair and Soften You Hair With Coconut Oil 

    Coconut Oil will give you soft, shiny, healthy and faster growing hair and will prevent you from split ends. 

    Nourish, Moisturize, Repair and Soften You Hair With Coconut Oil 

    1.) Put on old clothes. Coconut oil can leak slightly, so put on an old t-shirt or wrap a towel around you shoulders, so it will not come to your beautiful clothes. It's best to start the treatment in the bathroom, while the oil isfeeding for a few hours, you can move around.

    2.) Choose something to cover your hair. This can be a shower cap made of plastic, a larger piece of plastic wrap or a second old t-shirt that you wrap round your head. Choose something that you can leave on your head for several hours or overnight.

    3.) Give 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil in a microwavable bowl. The required amount of coconut oil depends on length and thickness of your hair. If you have long, thick hair, take 5, with thinner, shorter hair, you only need 3 or 4.

    • Use unrefined coconut oil, not refined. Refined coconut oil contains additives that remove some of the natural compounds that make it so healthy for skin and hair. Unrefined coconut oil is natural and healthy. 
    • It's not bad if you use more coconut oil as your hair really needs. It all gets washed out anyway!

    4.) Heat the coconut oil in the microwave. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it for about 30 seconds on high. Stir and heat it for another 30 seconds until it is completely melted. The oil should be just as warm, it melts and can be easily applied to the hair.

    • If you do not have a microwave, you can also melt in your hands the coconut oil. Melt it teaspoonful by holding it between your palms, which you squeeze slightly. Coconut oil melts at very low heat. 
    • You can also heat on the stove the coconut oil. Give it in a small saucepan and heat it on low flame. 
    • You can also heat the coconut oil by holding the glass under hot water until it melts, which only takes a few seconds.
    5.) Rub the coconut oil in your hair. Let it cool for a few minutes until it is no longer hot, then pour the coconut oil on your head and spread it evenly on the scalp. Rub it with a finger and smear it along the hair all the way to the tips. Rub it into your hair until your hair is completely soaked in coconut oil. 

    • You can also distribute evenly with a comb the oil. Prefer. From the roots to the tips 
    • If you want to treat only the tips, the oil wear on the hair ends rather than to pour it on your scalp. Rub it with one of his hands.
    6.) Get your hair on the head together and wrap it in the towel. Set on the shower cap or wrap the plastic wrap or old T-shirt around your hair so that the hair is completely covered. 
    • You can attach the hair with a loose hair tie to keep it on top of the head. 
    • Drop in your face you can wipe off with a towel.
    7.) Let the oil act for at least 2 hours or overnight. The longer you leave it in the hair, the more your hair is maintained. Waiting long is going to achieve the best effect.

    8.) Wrap on your hair and wash it. Use a good shampoo (preferably with natural ingredients to keep the hair healthy) to wash out the coconut oil. Wash it two or three times until your hair no longer feels oily.

    9.) Leave to dry your hair. Let it air dry or blow dry it to see the effect of treatment. It should be soft after this special coconut oil cure, shiny and fluffy.

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    Nourish, Moisturize, Repair and Soften You Hair With Olive Oil | Recipes Tutorial .

    100% natural moisture treatment for your face

    Natural moisturizer for your body 

    Further natural cosmetic uses of coconut oil 

    8 Foods that lower blood pressure | Treating high blood pressure naturally :

    How to Treat Hypertension Naturally?

    Do you suffer from hypertension? You told your doctor? More and more patients complain that their doctor gives them little practical information on how to eat better to try to lower the blood pressure naturally but they are more concerned  to prescribe antihypertensive medicinal products ! Of course it's a cliche but overall reflect a certain reality regarding  doctors !

    Did you know that changing a little bit eating habits, it is possible to bring down the voltage naturally? It has been shown that a diet rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium can help reduce and control hypertension. A diet suitable for people suffering from hypertension should include essential fatty acids, but the least amount of saturated fat, sugar and salt  .

    Treating high blood pressure naturally 

    Here's a list of eight types recommended for lowering blood pressure foods.

    1-Spinach :

    Spinach is rich in magnesium and help prevent cardiovascular disease. They also contain folate, which prevents the rise of homocysteine​​, which in excessive amounts can contribute to increased risk of coronary heart disease and strokes. Cook them as little time as possible or better yet eat them raw in salads.

    2-Sunflower seeds :

    Sunflower seeds are rich in potassium, magnesium and phytosterols that can help reduce cholesterol (an abnormally high level of cholesterol can narrow the arteries and blood vessels, which obviously helps to raise blood pressure).

    3- Banana :

    Bananas are rich in potassium and contains a lot of fiber. Try to eat at least two bananas a day.

    4-Some fish :

    All oils or fats are not always bad for health, far from it! Unsaturated oils can help reduce the rate of bad cholesterol (LDL) and provide the body with essential fatty acids it needs. Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Trout, salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are especially fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is best to cook them on the grill or steam. Do not add salt to the cooking. It is best to eat fresh fish, but if you have no other choice than buying cans, make sure the label on the amount of salt!

    There are also dietary supplements rich salmon oil unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 (EPA and DHA). Salmon Oil Capsules . 

     5- Garlic :

    Garlic acts against atherosclerosis and at least four hypertension.Consommez garlic per day. It is best to chew some to lose as little as possible therapeutic properties. The garlic breath, it is not great I agree! So if this bothers you tremendously take garlic supplements. Garlic-Olivier-Hawthorn capsules

    6-Tomatoes :

    Tomatoes are rich in calcium and potassium and contain vitamin A, C and E. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that is known to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidants found in tomatoes can prevent LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol from oxidizing and sticking to the walls of blood vessels (thereby allowing for increased blood pressure).

    One way to enjoy the herbal properties of tomatoes is to consume fruit juice. Of course, it is best to prepare the tomato juice yourself. If you buy everything, make sure the juice is 100% natural and does not contain added salt!

    7- Broccoli :

    Broccoli is rich in potassium but it also contains chromium which helps regulate blood glucose and insulin levels. Do not cook too! Cook it in a pan with just the amount of water needed to cover it and it will not lose its nutrients. It would be best to eat raw.

    8-The Hawthorn :

    Hawthorn dilates coronary arteries and increases blood flow to the heart and thus lowers blood pressure. Use a mixture of leaves and flowers to make a tea. Place two teaspoons of this mixture into a cup and add boiling water. Let steep twenty minutes before eating. Drink two to three cups a day.

    The ideal would be to combine hawthorn with two other herbs hypotensive. This is garlic (Allium sativum) that we mentioned earlier, and the olive tree (Olea europaea).

    There are capsules that combine the advantages of the three plants for a better result on the control of blood pressure and have no taste or smell! Garlic-Olivier-Hawthorn capsules.

     Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.

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    Saturday, August 23, 2014

    Children Raised on Small Dairy Farms Develop 90% Fewer Allergies :

    Children Raised on Small Dairy Farms Develop 90% Fewer Allergies :

    A new study published in Sweden shows that children who live on small dairy farms run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies as other children. This study confirms the same results observed among small Amish dairy farms last year, where the drinking of farm-fresh raw milk was shown to be a cure for many allergies. (See: N.Y. Times Admits Raw Milk is Cure For Allergies)
    While this current study does not mention the consumption of fresh raw milk, it did specifically study children on small rural dairy farms in Sweden. These children developed a better immunity against allergies (birch, timothy, mugwort, dog, cat, horse, house dust mite, cow’s milk, hen’s egg, fish, wheat, soy, and peanut were all measured). The authors of the study suspect that the development of a healthy gut flora, as a result from living on the farm and being exposed to many different types of bacteria, is a major factor in developing immunity to allergies. Surely this included drinking farm-fresh raw dairy products.

    While the study did not mention the size of the dairy farms where the children were residing (other than the fact that these “small”  farms were the Skaraborg region in South-West Sweden), the Swedish Dairy Association reports that the average herd size for dairy farms in Sweden is less than 70 head, with the majority of dairy farms being less than 50 head of cows.
    So these results could not be expected to be the same as children living on large CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) producing commercial milk here in the U.S.

    Children on dairy farms run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies; Dairy farm exposure also beneficial during pregnancy

    by ScienceDaily ;


    Children who live on farms that produce milk run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies as other rural children. According to researchers at The University of Gothenburg in Sweden, pregnant women may benefit from spending time on dairy farms to promote maturation of the fetal and neonatal immune system.

    The occurrence of allergic diseases has risen dramatically in Western societies. One frequently cited reason is that children are less exposed to microorganisms and have fewer infections than previous generations, thereby delaying maturation of the immune system.

    A study by researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, monitored children until the age of three to examine maturation of the immune system in relation to allergic disease. All of the children lived in rural areas of the Västra Götaland Region, half of them on farms that produced milk.
    The study found that children on dairy farms ran a much lower risk of developing allergies than the other children.

    Source   : Health Impact News

    Apples - The World's Healthiest Foods

    Apples have  a  unique nutritional benefits that have been demonstrated through numerous scientific studies to better understand why regular consumption of apples helps maintain good health .

    Apples - The World's Healthiest Foods

    This is due to the originality of its composition and in particular to :

    - Its low caloric intake to 100 g .

    - Its richness in antioxidants .

    - Its particular fiber .

    Apples - The World's Healthiest Foods


    Regular consumption of apples aids in controlling or reducing weight.
    One medium apple 150g brings about 18 to 20 grams of carbohydrate (ie 74-80 kcal) which are absorbed by the body slowly and gradually leading to a significant and lasting satisfaction.

    For dessert or without food, eating an apple is perfect and limit the abuse of too much sugary food snacking, because of the increased weight of both adults and children.


    The energy of the apple comes not from fat, but fructose and carbohydrate slowly in the body. This data, and more generally the nutritional profile of the apple, make a fruit perfectly suited to sports. Indeed, in the context of physical activity, the components of the potato have a beneficial effect on the organism and, before, during and after exercise.
    Consumed before exercise, apple gives energy throughout physical activity.

    Consumed during physical exercise, apple recharge the body with minerals and various vitamins.

    Consumed after training, apple and 85% of water used to rehydrate the body and facilitate the elimination of toxins.

    Furthermore, vitamin C is that the apple is best provided with: in the outer part of the pulp and more in skin, since it contains 4 to 5 times more energy than the rest of the vitamin fruit . Better to bite the apple without the peel, having just taken care of go under water for hygiene.

    Other vitamins in the apple, B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9, provitamin A (carotene) and vitamin E also helps to make this a real fruit alphabet form.


    Particularly rich in fiber - 2.5g / 100g in moderately, apple plays a key role in the functioning of the intestinal transit, thanks to the perfect balance between the two types of fiber it contains.

    Soluble fiber : typical of apple pectin forms a thick gel during digestion: they imprison and cholesterol, fat and slow their assimilation. Gorging themselves with water, these fibers are struggling very naturally against diarrhea, especially if apples are finely grated and raw or cooked.

    In addition, these fibers maintain the intestinal microflora, releases fatty acids, which protect the cells of the colon, and enhance .

    disgestif tube operation .

    Insoluble fiber: they stimulate and accelerate intestinal transit. Against constipation, it is recommended to chew raw apples without peeling them because their skin is rich in cellulose.

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    Saturday, August 16, 2014

    Coconut Oil : The “New” Super-food? Coconut Oil Myths and Facts :

    Coconut Oil : The “New” Super-food?

    by Brian Shilhavy : Health Impact News

    The Coconut Oil Myths: Exposing Some Common Myths Surrounding Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil’s popularity continues to increase here in 2014, and as a result it seems like everyone has something to say about it. Since we have been writing and publishing research about coconut oil for over 13 years, it is time to update our article on common myths surrounding coconut oil.

    First, coconut oil is NOT new! It has been a staple in the diets of millions of people for thousands of years. So when you read someone stating that coconut oil is some new fad, or that the information regarding its health benefits is all “hype”, you are reading one of the many myths being spread around on the Internet by those who are seemingly too lazy to do some basic research, or type “coconut oil” into the search field at PubMed. While it is decreasing, bias against coconut oil is still prevalent today, and people will write from this bias without even investigating the historical uses of coconut oil, or the vast amount of research conducted on coconut oil, particularly the medium chain fatty acids it contains.

    But the myths being spread around the Internet are not simply from those who have a bias against it. Many people trying to jump on the coconut oil popularity bandwagon are also propagating some myths.

    So here is a look at some of the most common myths routinely found published on the Internet today:

    Coconut Oil Myth #1: Only Virgin Coconut Oil is healthy – Refined Coconut Oil is bad for you

    FACT: ALL coconut oil you can buy online or in stores is healthy. This myth persists primarily because of the saturated fat bias (see below). The reasoning is that coconut oil must be bad because saturated fat is bad, therefore the health benefits for coconut oil must only apply to virgin unrefined coconut oils, which somehow escape all the nasty things saturated fats are blamed for.

    However, anytime you can purchase coconut oil, you are purchasing the healthiest oil you can cook with since all coconut oils have medium chain fatty acids that are healthy and that do not break down when heated. The other options offered in today’s market for cooking oils are more than likely less healthy than coconut oil, and might even become toxic if used in cooking.

    The one exception would be hydrogenated coconut oil, but we are not aware of any hydrogenated coconut oils being sold as edible oils in the U.S. market. If you live in a tropical country, there is a chance that hydrogenated coconut oil might be manufactured and sold in your location. Coconut oil is hydrogenated to keep it solid at higher temperatures. In its natural form, coconut oil is liquid above 76 degrees F. and solid below that. That is why we call it “coconut oil” and not “coconut fat”. In North America and many other places, coconut oil is almost always solid, making it technically a “fat” and not an oil. But in tropical climates it is almost always liquid, making it an oil. So there is a history of hydrogenating the small unsaturated portion of coconut oil in tropical climates to make it a solid. But the dangers of trans-fats are well published now, so I think even in tropical cultures this is rare today.

    Speaking of liquid coconut oil, a “new” product did hit the shelves of many health food stores in 2013 called “Liquid Coconut Oil”. It is being marketed as a coconut oil that stays liquid even in your refrigerator. This product is actually “fractionated coconut oil” where most or all of the saturated lauric acid has been removed. It has been marketed in the past as “MCT Oil”, and not as coconut oil. It was more of a dietary supplement in the past. While we do not believe this product is harmful, it is a manufactured product, and actually a clever way of marketing a “left over” by-product, since lauric acid is the star fatty acid chain in coconut oil, known for its powerful antimicrobial activity. It is only found elsewhere in nature abundantly in human breast milk. You can read more about the clever marketing of “liquid coconut oil” here: Is Liquid Coconut Oil that stays Liquid in Your Refrigerator Real Coconut Oil?

    As far as refined coconut oils, the most common method used to refine coconut oil in coconut oil producing countries is via the RBD process: Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized. This process renders a neutral flavor and smell due to a steam deodorization process. The “bleaching” part does not involve bleach like you use in your laundry. It is a clay that is used to filter the oil of impurities. Some of the nutrients will more than likely be lost in the refining process, but it does not make the oil unhealthy. If you can find out if the refined coconut oil was refined using solvent extracts or through “physical refining”, choose the physically refined coconut oil. There is some concern that oils using solvent extracts could leave residues in the oil. But even so, those residues are probably very small, if present at all, so even these coconut oils would be healthier than toxic trans fats or polyunsaturated oils for cooking.

    As far as “virgin” coconut oils, there is absolutely no difference between “extra virgin” and “virgin” when it comes to coconut oil, like there is with the olive oil industry. They are simply different labels for the exact same coconut oils. Some people want to promote virgin coconut oils as “seeing no heat in the process” as a superior coconut oil, but there are no published standards identifying an “extra virgin” quality, and research actually shows that traditional coconut oils processed with heat have higher amounts of antioxidants. (See: New Research Highlights High Antioxidant Activity of Traditionally Made Coconut Oil)

    Coconut Oil Myth #2: I cannot use coconut oil because I am allergic to coconut oil

    FACT: Most food allergies are due to the inability to digest proteins, such as gluten (found in wheat), casein (found in dairy), protein found in tree nuts, etc. The coconut is technically a tree nut, but protein is found in the meat of the coconut, not in the oil.

    Therefore, if one has problems digesting or eating coconut oil, it is highly unlikely that it is due to an “allergy”. It is more likely due to not being able to digest fats well, or possibly to the detoxification properties of coconut oil which can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, skin eruptions, etc. These are typically NOT allergic reactions, and can be minimized or even eliminated altogether by reducing the amount of coconut oil one eats to very small amounts until the symptoms don’t occur, and then gradually increasing the amount over time.

    Coconut Oil Myth #3: Coconut oil is good for certain conditions (like Alzheimer’s and Dementia), but long-term effects are not known and there is a risk for heart disease because coconut oil is a saturated fat

    FACT: There are plenty of epidemiological studies on coconut oil in native populations, and saturated fat has never been proven to cause heart disease. Sadly, this myth has been around a long time and still persists today, even though it is not true! This is the basis of the coconut oil bias.

    The benefits of a high-fat ketogenic diet in curing epilepsy was first developed at the Mayo Clinic in the 1920s and used extensively at John Hopkins Hospital. This high-fat diet rich in saturated fats has been documented as curing epilepsy in children where drugs failed. But as the lipid theory of heart disease gained popularity after the 1950s and influenced the government to adopt a low-fat dietary guideline in the 1970s, children and parents who benefited from the high-fat ketogenic diet were frightened into believing that if they continued such a diet, it would lead to heart disease.

    Today, the ketogneic effects of coconut oil are well-known and coconut oil’s tremendous impact on those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia are well documented, and can no longer be denied, just as the ketogenic diet has cured epilepsy for many years now. Unfortunately, the myth of saturated fat — and by implication coconut oil — causing heart disease is a myth that continues today, scaring people who receive tremendous benefits from consuming coconut oil into thinking they may have a higher risk of heart disease if they continue such a diet. The lipid theory of heart disease, however, is losing popularity in the light of real evidence-based science.

    One of the most exhaustive studies on saturated fat and heart disease was published in 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition titled: “Saturated fat, carbohydrate, and cardiovascular disease”. The study reviewed many other studies over a period of 5 to 23 years covering 347,747 subjects. Their conclusion: “A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD”. The abstract is found here:

    A similar meta-study was conducted and published in May of 2013, analyzing the existing medical literature regarding dietary fats and heart disease in the journal Advances in Nutrition. This study correctly vindicates the negative bias against saturated fats found in coconut oil and dairy products:Several recent analyses indicate that SFAs, particularly in dairy products and coconut oil, can improve health.” (See: Study: Saturated Fat Not Associated with Risk of Coronary Artery Disease, Coconut Oil and Dairy Fat Healthy)

    You can read more research on saturated fats here.

    As far as coconut oil specifically, Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit in the Philippines published a comprehensive study looking at the evidence of saturated fat from coconut oil and cardiovascular disease in populations consuming large amounts of saturated fat in the countries of the Philippines, Polynesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia and found no link between coconut oil consumption and heart disease. His study was published in 2003 in the Philippine Journal of Cardiology

    In another study, Dr. Janaki Gooneratne in Sri Lanka conducted what is probably the largest study ever undertaken examining the relationship between coconut oil, cholesterol, and heart disease. Her research studied almost 1,000 people in Sri Lanka and included factors such as socio-demographic data, family history of disease, and lifestyle.

    She studied associations between selected heart disease risk factors and coconut oil intake using the Chi-square test, and further examined the data in a multivariate model adjusting for potential confounding variables. The data was analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The results of this extensive research concluded that consumption of coconut oil at levels up to 16.4% of total energy per day had no heart disease risk on the local population. (Note: for a standard 2,000 calorie diet that would equate to about 2.5 tablespoons of coconut oil a day.) Dr. Goonerante believes that this extensive research is one of the first studies of this magnitude on dietary coconut oil ever conducted anywhere in the world. Read more about her research on coconut oil here.

    What New Coconut Oil Myths Are we Likely to See in the Future?

    As coconut oil continues to gain popularity and continues to have a greater impact on people’s health, often producing better results than expensive pharmaceutical drugs, and without all the side effects, expect these attacks and myths to continue, and probably new ones to pop up. But just remember that coconut oil is a natural food that has nourished billions of people around the world for thousands of years. It cannot be patented, and hence it is unlikely there will ever be clinical studies funded of the same type that pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars to complete for patenting and getting their drugs approved by the FDA. Therefore, it is unlikely that the FDA will ever approve any health claims for coconut oil.

    However, the health benefits of coconut oil are becoming too well-known to continue ignoring, and we saw signs in 2013 that drug companies are looking for ways to mimic the effects of coconut oil in patentable drugs. This has actually been occurring already for many years now with lauric acid, the star component of coconut oil. Lauric acid is frequently extracted from coconut oil to make into other drugs and products that can be patented. The significance of coconut oil then is trivialized in favor of expensive drugs.

    What we saw in 2013, however, was interest by drug companies in the area of the ketonic effects of coconut oil, as research continues to be published on the benefits of a ketogenic diet, including its use as an effective cancer treatment. This same ketogenic effect in coconut oil is seen to be at least partially responsible for stopping or reversing Alzheimer’s Disease. So drug companies are anxious to develop drugs to mimic these effects, and we saw some of that begin in 2013. (See: Study: Coconut Oil Could Prevent Neurodegeneration in Diseases like Alzheimer’s) .

    So we can expect the mainstream media and Big Pharma to invent new myths condemning coconut oil in favor of their drugs in the future, count on it!

    About the authors: 

     Unlike many people who write about coconut oil by simply reading about it, Brian and Marianita Shilhavy actually lived in a coconut producing area of the Philippines for several years. Marianita Jader Shilhavy grew up on a coconut plantation in the Philippines and in a culture that consumed significant amounts of coconut fat in their diet. She later went on to earn her degree in nutrition and worked as a nutritionist in the Philippines. Brian Shilhavy also lived in the Philippines for several years with Marianita and their 3 children observing firsthand the differences between the diet and health of the younger generation and those of Marianita’s parents’ generation still consuming a traditional diet. This led to years of studying Philippine nutrition and dietary patterns first hand while living in a rural farming community in the Philippines. They are authors of the best-selling book: Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours!

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