Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cinnamon one of the most effective nutritional supplement in existence - 9 Benefits of Cinnamon :

Cinnamon not only to delight our taste buds, it is sovereign to our health. The cinnamon bark is found in many varieties, but the one that interests us is the Ceylon cinnamon. Known since antiquity, Ceylon cinnamon never ceases to amaze us with its beneficial properties for our well-being and health. Its virtues are praised as well in the fight against diabetes as help dieters, or simply flu symptoms

1-Cinnamon and diabetes:

Numerous studies, including German, indicate that cinnamon contains elements likely to fight against type 2 diabetes. It contains elements that balance blood sugar, stimulate insulin and thus plays a role in the prevention and improvement diabetes. Tests showed an improvement in the rate of post-prandial glucose (after a meal) in patients who consume one gram of cinnamon powder daily for at least a month. It is therefore recommended that the diabetic use and abuse of this ancient spice.

2-Cinnamon and Alzheimer's :

Two molecules present in cinnamon could slow the onset. Recently published work shows that these two molecules prevent entanglement precursor of Alzheimer's disease.

3-Cinnamon and Weight Loss:

Observing the benefits of cinnamon on diabetes, it was enough to extrapolate and say, "Why not try the virtues of cinnamon on people making dieting? "We therefore noticed his" appetite suppressant "effect, mainly when the sweet craving arises.

Many nutritionists recommend the use of a small box containing scented cinnamon, vanilla, orange peel, coffee, he just breathe to keep the urge to grignoter.Vous can add a drop of essential oil cinnamon and orange or tangerine essential oil drop.

A little cinnamon added a tea also calm your cravings and help you lose weight.

4-Cinnamon and antioxidants:

Cinnamon is the fourth largest food containing the most antioxidants. It helps you, especially in the fight against aging due to stress and restores radiance to tired skin. There radius supplements pharmacies and para-pharmacies capsules of cinnamon, which facilitate use.

5-Cinnamon and microbes :

Well known for its antiviral and antimicrobial properties, cinnamon stimulates the immune system. It helps you drive the first chills and the beginning of cold and flu

An infusion of 10 g of cinnamon stick to 1 liter of water, sweet honey, tone and brings relief. This tea is consumed throughout the day.

Cinnamon improves mulled wine, and help us in the fight against colds and aches due to the flu.

6-Cinnamon and intestines :

Cinnamon favorably alters the intestinal flora. A tea made ​​of one teaspoon of cinnamon infused 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water, relieves gurgling, flatulence and bloating. This tea is consumed after meals.

7-Cinnamon and fatigue :

Through its action on the body, cinnamon is energizing and anti-fatigue. Infuse for 10 minutes, 1 tablespoon coffee bark or cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water and filter. When fatigue sets in, consume 3-4 cups of this tea a day.

8-Cinnamon and hair:

A hair mask with 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of honey stimulates hair growth and slows its fall.

9-Benefits of essential oil of cinnamon bark Ceylon:

The essential oil (EO) cinnamon triumph of 99.99% of germs, terrace itself those resistant to antibiotics. It is ideal for treating colds, flu, colds. A drop three times a day, in a little honey, rapidly relieves. The HE Ceylon cinnamon is stimulating and boosts tone. It treats intestinal disorders to wonder, at the rate of one to two drops on a neutral tablet or a teaspoon of milk powder, 3 times a day. Placed in an essential oil diffuser, the terrace microbes living rooms. The HE cinnamon should not be broadcast only. it is best to combine it with a sweet essence: orange for example. Synergy and equal with HE tea tree and lavender, diluted or not in a vegetable oil shares, it overcomes the nail mycoses.


     Cinnamon in large doses or in essential oil form is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women and young children.
     The cassia which certain compounds are harmful to the liver is avoided. Use only Ceylon cinnamon .


     Feel free to sprinkle your dishes and desserts with cinnamon.

     Baking, cinnamon becomes bitter: therefore add it to your dishes after cooking!

Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.

What do you think of the benefits of Cinnamon? If you tried any, do you find it helps you stay healthy? Read comments or add your opinion below on this page. If  you liked this article, thank you for recommending it on Facebook, to tweet, to give it a +1 on Google Plus vote .

1 comment:

  1. Mix cinnamon with Vaseline for a lip pumping lip gloss.
