This page is dedicated for those who are interrested to know all about Alternative Medicine, home remedies and to learn about Healthy Nutrition. Natural Approaches can cure, sooth and prevent illness and diseases !
All you need to know about Alternative Medicine- I will be sharing latest research,successful healing approaches,Home Remedies from all around the world and some healthy food recipes.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Alkaline VS Acidic Foods : The benefits of eating an alkaline diet .
Eating an alkaline diet is important because our blood pH level
needs to stay between 7.35 and 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. It
takes work for our bodies to stay balanced within this small window, and
the more acidic our diet, the more we work against our body’s efforts. In turn, we leave ourselves feeling tired, and our immune systems vulnerable to disease.
A healthy diet should include 60-80% alkaline foods and 20-40% acidic
foods, but the degree to which a food is alkaline or acidic matters. A
diet of primarily pasta, bread, soft drinks is highly acidic and will
not be easily offset by the list of very low alkaline foods.
Alkaline VS Acidic Foods : The benefits of eating an alkaline diet .
Alkaline diet helps balance blood pH level :
Blood pH is simply
a measure of how acidic or alkaline the blood is. For context, stomach
acid has a pH close to 0 (the most acidic), and bleach is close to 14
(the most alkaline). Pure distilled water sits squarely in the middle at
a neutral 7.
Our bodies require a blood pH level that is just
slightly more alkaline than pure distilled water: between 7.35 and 7.45.
We help our bodies to stay within this level by eating a more alkaline dietwith fewer acidic foods.
Alkaline VS Acidic Foods : The benefits of eating an alkaline diet .
What are alkaline foods?
How alkaline or acidic the food is before you eat it does not always determine the pH effect it will have on your body after you digest it. Knowing what foods are alakaline can help you to eat healthier and feel better.
You may also find it helpful to post a few food charts on the refrigerator to take with you to the market.
This alkaline food charte
contains a list of alkaline foods, and a list of high acid foods .
Alkaline VS Acidic Foods : The benefits of eating an alkaline diet .
Note:Iremind you that incase of a realhealth problem,you should consulta doctoror other specialist. Theremedies that arepresented to youarebrought to your attentionand onlyindicative.
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