The Sour Sop or the fruit from the Graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo ??
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Can Graviola (Soursop) Cure Cancer ? |
The National Cancer Institute performed the first scientific research in 1976. The results showed that Graviola’s “leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells.” Inexplicably, the results were published in an internal report and never released to the public…
Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, yet no double-blind clinical trials–the typical benchmark mainstream doctors and journals use to judge a treatment’s value–were ever initiated….
A study published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea stated that one chemical in Graviola was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at “10,000 times the potency of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin…”
The most significant part of the Catholic University of South Korea report is that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients .
A study at Purdue University recently found that leaves from the Graviola tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers .
Properties :
Annonacin is a neurotoxin found in soursop seeds .
The fruit contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2.
Laboratory and field research suggests that soursop-derived substances may have potential for various future applications, since they have shown antileishmanial and cytotoxic, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory,anti-diabetic and anticancer effects in laboratory experiments. Large-scale studies in humans have not been done .
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Can Graviola (Soursop) Cure Cancer ? |
Alternative cancer treatment
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center lists cancer treatment as one of the "purported uses" of soursop. According to Cancer Research UK,
"Many sites on the internet advertise and promote graviola capsules as a
cancer cure, but none of them are supported by any reputable scientific
cancer organisations" and "there is no evidence to show that graviola
works as a cure for cancer" and consequently they do not support its use
as a treatment for cancer.
In 2008 a court case relating to the sale in the UK of Triamazon, a
soursop product, resulted in the criminal conviction of a man under the
terms of the UK Cancer Act
for offering to treat people for cancer. A spokesman for the council
that instigated the action stated, "it is as important now as it ever
was that people are protected from those peddling unproven products with
spurious claims as to their effects."
The Federal Trade Commission
in the United States determined that there was "no credible scientific
evidence" that the extract of soursop sold by Bioque Technologies "can
prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind."
Cancer Research UK
also released a statement about the alleged cancer "cure" that included
these sentences: "Overall, there is no evidence to show that graviola
works as a cure for cancer. In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can
kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to
particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven’t been any large scale
studies in humans. So we don't know yet whether it can work as a cancer
treatment or not. Many sites on the internet advertise and promote
graviola capsules as a cancer cure, but none of them are supported by
any reputable scientific cancer organisations. We do not support the use
of graviola to treat cancer."
Neurotoxicity :
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
cautions, "alkaloids extracted from graviola may cause neuronal
dysfunction and degeneration leading to symptoms of Parkinson's
disease". The compound annonacin, which is contained in the seeds of soursop, is a neurotoxin associated with neurodegenerative disease, and research has suggested a connection between consumption of soursop and atypical forms of Parkinson's disease due to high concentrations of annonacin.
In 2010 the French food safety agency (Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments)
concluded that, based on the available research findings, "it is not
possible to confirm that the observed cases of atypical Parkinson
syndrome […] are linked to the consumption of Annona muricata," calling for further study on potential risks to human health .
Cancer Resarch UK : Can graviola (soursop) cure cancer ?
Graviola comes from a tree in the rain forests of Africa,
South America, and Southeast Asia. Its scientific name is Annona
muricata. It is also known as custard apple, cherimoya, guanabana,
soursop and brazilian paw paw. The active ingredient is thought to be a
type of plant compound (phytochemical) called annonaceous acetogenins.
Overall, there is no evidence to show that graviola works as a cure for cancer. In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven’t been any large scale studies in humans. So we don't know yet whether it can work as a cancer treatment or not. Many sites on the internet advertise and promote graviola capsules as a cancer cure, but none of them are supported by any reputable scientific cancer organisations.
We do not support the use of graviola to treat cancer. Our advice is to be very cautious about believing information or paying for any type of alternative cancer therapy on the internet. You may find it useful to read our section about searching for information on the internet.
We don’t know much about how graviola affects the body. But some researchers are concerned that particular chemicals present in graviola may cause nerve changes and movement disorders when taken in large amounts. The nerve changes may cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. Laboratory research has found that some substances in graviola cause nerve damage and that these substances can cross into the brain from the bloodstream.
One research study has shown that people in the Caribbean who had large amounts of graviola in their diet were more likely to develop particular nerve changes and were also more likely to have hallucinations. It is unlikely that drinks or foods containing graviola could harm you when taken as part of a normal diet. But always talk to your doctor before taking any kind of complementary or alternative therapy.
Overall, there is no evidence to show that graviola works as a cure for cancer. In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven’t been any large scale studies in humans. So we don't know yet whether it can work as a cancer treatment or not. Many sites on the internet advertise and promote graviola capsules as a cancer cure, but none of them are supported by any reputable scientific cancer organisations.
We do not support the use of graviola to treat cancer. Our advice is to be very cautious about believing information or paying for any type of alternative cancer therapy on the internet. You may find it useful to read our section about searching for information on the internet.
We don’t know much about how graviola affects the body. But some researchers are concerned that particular chemicals present in graviola may cause nerve changes and movement disorders when taken in large amounts. The nerve changes may cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. Laboratory research has found that some substances in graviola cause nerve damage and that these substances can cross into the brain from the bloodstream.
One research study has shown that people in the Caribbean who had large amounts of graviola in their diet were more likely to develop particular nerve changes and were also more likely to have hallucinations. It is unlikely that drinks or foods containing graviola could harm you when taken as part of a normal diet. But always talk to your doctor before taking any kind of complementary or alternative therapy.
Graviola costs more than £5 for 100 capsules. The manufacturers
advise taking 2 capsules, 3 to 4 times a day. So 100 capsules could last
less than 2 weeks .
Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.
- Watercure Testimonial Katie Stage 4 Cancer gone in 18 days :
Note: I remind you that in case of a real health problem, you should consult a doctor or other specialist. The remedies that are presented to you are brought to your attention and only indicative.
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